New adventures in standing desks: Liberia hotel room edition

My standing desk review was one of my most popular posts of 2013 so far. I love mine more and more every day.

However much I love my fancypants office setup, a question remains: with a travelling job, how to stand while away? Sadly threats of back pain demand it.

With this post I inaugurate my new series, New Adventures in Standing Desks.

Here is my setup from last week in the Corina Guest House in Monrovia, Liberia.


Night table is atop the  desk. Bluetooth keyboard is atop the night table drawer. I am quite proud of this one (the raw materials were limited). I accidentally left my mouse at home, but there was a second night table drawer if I had needed a mouse pad.

Please feel free to post links to your standing desk adventures in comments.

Possibly coming up later this month are the following editions: Mom and Dad’s home in Ottawa, and the lake cabin in North Carolina.

12 Responses

  1. Sounds like our desk would be perfect for you Chris! Looks like your desk arrived safe and sound. Please let us know if you have any questions about it!

    Dan McDonley
    Ninja Standing Desk

  2. Chris, do report back on the ninja desk! Thanks!

    I’m a social scientist, but I’m about to move to a studio, and will be traveling to Western Africa in summer 2014. It would be great if the ninja desk practices what it preaches!

  3. Chris, I came across the ninja standing desk ( It may become a new addition to your travel list and serve as a longer term solution with greater consistency than playing hotel room furniture jenga. I cannot endorse it, but I am debating trying it (or making a version of it) on my next trip to Ethiopia and Kenya.