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8 Responses

  1. Chris,
    Did Easterly try Oren’s on Waverly, just east of Washington Square Park, or O Cafe on 6th Ave and 12th Street? Also, he barely mentions price — an economist with an in elastic demand curve?

  2. Strictly speaking, since the physicist is the judge on his own bet, he is offering the money to someone who can get him to change his mind. The $10,000 offer suggests he thinks it is unlikely anyone will change his mind. That is consistent with him being highly confident in the evidence, but also consistent with him being simply pig-headed. We don’t which.

  3. 1. Not a surprise.
    2. The Ice Age. You have my email please forward bitcoin equivalent as soon as poss, please. I am a bit under resourced at the moment. But the award offered is a bit mean considering how much was paid out to prove climate change. Can we also now jail the IPCC lot. Someone has to get canned for it.
    3. Fences will be more effective. I mean to increase development in developing countries not to keep out the migrants.
    4. Why are they not migrating – aid ?- sort of contradicts 3.
    5. NYC coffee needs development but only the right sort. Was any of it FT. Which was bottom-up:5? Maybe it is like MIF.