The 24-year-old student, Victor Van Rossem, received a friend suggestion on his Facebook for 49-year-old Neal D. Retke, a person Rossem had no connection with besides a mutual acquaintance, the Daily Mail reported.
Van Rossem found Retke interesting after browsing through his photos and thought he had a diverse set of hobbies and likings.
“I became fascinated by him. He had a long beard and looked a little unusual,” Van Rossem told the Daily Mail. “He looked like someone I wanted to meet — a very eccentric person.”
The student sent Retke a message, but the Austin resident didn’t respond. So Van Rossem made the 5,000-mile trip along with a friend to ask him in person if the two men could be friends.
They became friends. Story, including the a documentary they made.
10 Responses
RT @cblatts: Facebook gone wild: When Texan didn’t respond to a friend request, Belgian flew to Austin to ask him in person…
Any excuse for a party.
I don’t know what to say about this, other than Belgian youth seem to have a lot of spare time and cash: The 2…
I don’t know what to say about this, other than Belgian youth seem to have a lot of spare time and cash
RT @cblatts: Facebook gone wild: When Texan didn’t respond to a friend request, Belgian flew to Austin to ask him in person…
RT @cblatts: Facebook gone wild: When Texan didn’t respond to a friend request, Belgian flew to Austin to ask him in person…
Facebook gone wild: When Texan didn’t respond to a friend request, Belgian flew to Austin to ask him in person
RT @cblatts: I don’t know what to say about this, other than Belgian youth seem to have a lot of spare time and cash
RT @cblatts: I don’t know what to say about this, other than Belgian youth seem to have a lot of spare time and cash
@cblatts When I was in college(USA),could not afford going home (back to Europe) for 2 years because of a ticket money.Senseless story burns