Links I liked

  1. Thomas Abt (one of my favorite policy wonks) on violence reduction in America
  2. Condoms that detect STIs have been invented. Disconcerting fact: Inventors were 13 and 14
  3. From the National Review Online, this breaking news: “there are other groups at greater risk of genocide than white South Africans”
  4. If I owned a plane
  5. Onion oldie but goodie: Georgia Adds Swastika, Middle Finger to State Flag

2 Responses

  1. Just a note, I think a lot of places got mislead by that condom article; to the best I can tell, the students only developed the “idea” of the test, without actually implementing it. Which of course they wont be able to do, since disease testing is far more complicated than what a cheap condom could contain. The articles seems to be just making news out of a school competition.