Podcast recommendations

  1. I’m a new fan of The Weeds, a podcast where Ezra Klein, Sarah Kliff, and Matt Yglesias  talk about US politics, usually starting with a new research paper. I always learn something. Last week’s episode, for instance, was on why the US government might have been better at getting things done when it was more corrupt and transactional.
  2. Klein also just started a new long firm interview podcast, The Ezra Klein Show. There have been four interviews, two previews on the Weeds feed, with Ben Bernanke and Ross Douthat, and two on the new feed, with Rachel Maddow and “superlobbyist” Tony Podesta. By the standard of “risking my life to write lots of notes to myself while on a treadmill” the Douthat and Maddow interviews are fantastic.
  3. I’ve been enjoying Sampler, a podcast about podcasts. Host Brittany brings a truly eclectic mix, with unusual co-hosts, including actor Molly Ringwald or comedian W. Kamau Bell. More entertaining than intellectual, but some of both.
  4. Dani Rodrik’s conversation with Tyler is a must-listen for anyone interested in globalization or development. The Kareem Abdul-Jabbar interview was not bad, but I found his answers lacking in depth for someone Tyler thinks is one of the great intellectuals of the day.


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