Here is Dani Rodrik on the Turkish coup (and other coup commentary of interest)
Dani Rodrik on the baffling, almost comically bad Turkish coup attempt: Military coups – successful or otherwise – follow a predictable pattern in Turkey. Political
Dani Rodrik on the baffling, almost comically bad Turkish coup attempt: Military coups – successful or otherwise – follow a predictable pattern in Turkey. Political
In preparation for the Chicago move, we are clearing out old and unwanted items. Unwanted furniture and housewares go into the building laundry room, where
Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. A very interesting job for someone with experience: IPA’s looking to hire an experienced project
Q. What was it like when the administration approached JAMA and was like, “Hey, we want to publish this in your journal?” A. Well, we
What’s JAMA’s new impact factor now that POTUS has published a paper there? As you probably heard, Mr. Obama published a paper in the Journal
So it’s been a month since my social media diet started, and I’m extremely happy so far. Quitting Twitter, Facebook and Reddit has gone much
International development aid is based on the Robin Hood principle: take from the rich and give to the poor. …A more formal term for the
“Who are the Niger Delta Avengers?” Hint: it is not a comic book. Political betting markets have become heads eating their own tails Your country’s
This study uses discontinuities in U.S. strategies employed during the Vietnam War to estimate their causal impacts. It identifies the effects of bombing by exploiting
The IDJD uses a pre-defined list of “jargon” words. It extracts text from most common file formats and counts how many times the uploaded text
Vera te Velde discusses a new paper by David Card and Stefano Dellavigna on what gets published in top journals: The conclusions David drew are
I did not expect a Supreme Court justices would be so frank or critical of the court. From a New York Times interview with Ruth
It’s election season, which means I obsessively and pointlessly check PredictWise more than once a day. It aggregates all the election betting markets (sort of
The latest salvo in the worm wars brings out big guns: There is consensus that the relevant deworming drugs are safe and effective, so the
Rather, my message is that this noisy, N = 41, between-person study never had a chance. The researchers presumably thought they were doing solid science,
Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. Nudgers dreams have come true, iOS 10 will feature organ donor registration, putting behavioral economists’
“Internships are not a privilege”: The Ford Foundation not only pays its interns but prioritizes more needy young people They promised us flying cars, and
She sagged suddenly with terror, imagining what would happen if Donald actually won. Everything would change. Her contentment would crack into pieces. The relentless intrusions
Thomas Nides, former deputy secretary of state under Clinton, offers a perfect summation of the creed (h/t Doug Henwood): Hillary Clinton understands we always need to
Paleoanthropologists were excited by the Malapa discovery, but many were skeptical about Berger’s bold evolutionary claims. To some, he had long seemed more interested in