Stefano DellaVigna and Devin Pope take A-B testing literally
Here they are at VoxEU on how to motivate effort: The task for the subjects is to alternately press the “a” and “b” buttons on
Here they are at VoxEU on how to motivate effort: The task for the subjects is to alternately press the “a” and “b” buttons on
First thing first: tenure at last! For those of you thinking “Wait, weren’t you an Associate Professor already?” or “What are you talking about? Didn’t
Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. Happy weekend, if you’re heading out we’ve put together a list of podcasts for your
Come work with me on an amazing project in Bogota, where we are working with the police and Mayor’s office to build a platform for
Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. The Kenyan government is threatening to close all refugee camps in the country, including Dadaab,
Reddit has a writing competition. The top rated contribution begins: A long time ago, and so far far away, There was a rebellion in space,
After several years of testing other people’s statistical code at the QJPS, Nick Eubank blogs: I myself once firmly believed the fallacy that the key
Sexting like a state: German government creates an online sex manual for immigrants Some tips on doing impact evaluations in conflict-affected areas Ezra Klein on
IPA is looking for Research Coordinator in Sierra Leone to run a big study of how cognitive behavior therapy affects employment. I’m involved as an
Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. In a new study in Science today Cilliers, Dube, & Siddiqi examine the effects of a
The curly-haired man tried to keep to himself, intently if inscrutably scribbling on a notepad he’d brought aboard. His seatmate, a blond-haired, 30-something woman sporting
Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. One of the most interesting podcasts I’ve heard in a long time was Ezra Klein
Vox profiles “the world’s greatest Internet troll, Ken M, who has achieved Reddit and Twitter fame by getting funny when others get mean.
I’m sorry I don’t remember who on Facebook I got this from. But it can be bought here. And my favorite book of the same
Saudi Arabia gives women the right to a copy of their marriage contract Libyan insurgents are funded by… blood poultry A letter from George H.W.
Dear Students Who Have Just Completed My Class, …I would rather have a sustained conversation with my grandfather about politics and government supported healthcare and
A combination of recommendations from an Ezra Klein and Rachel Maddow podcast, plus conversations with Scott Ashworth (who has an encyclopedic knowledge plus infectious enthusiasm
One day late for May Day. About half the world’s soccer balls are made in one city in Pakistan, Sialkot. So what happens if you
I use the individual-level records from my own family in rural Mississippi to estimate the agricultural productivity of African Americans in manual cotton picking nearly
Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. A few weeks ago I wrote about how the media often stumbles in reporting new
A simply fantastic interview with Berkeley’s David Card and Princeton’s Alan Krueger on the Equitable Growth blog: Card: Right. And you mentioned research design. I