
What I’ve been reading

I meant to blog about many of these individually, but after two months it has not happened, so here is a list of impressions. Not

Museum exhibit of the year

The Metropolitan Museum in New York has an incredible Kongo exhibit. One caveat to this review: I saw it at a blurry trot, trying to

“Write like you speak”

Something comes over most people when they start writing. They write in a different language than they’d use if they were talking to a friend.

Links I liked

As the price of prison phone calls sometimes hits $14 per minute, the FCC has now capped rates at 11¢ per minute Google Books won

IPA’s weekly links

Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. University students are protesting against raised fees in South Africa, and elections in Tanzania look close. Keep up

Kim Jong Elizabeth II

Beautifully done: BBC footage of the Queen’s birthday, but with sneering BBC commentary about Kim Jong Il’s birthday dubbed over it. The lovely irony. Hat

Links I liked

What police data are online, rejected vanity license plates, and other random datasets from the Data is Plural newsletter of unusual datasets online Everything I

IPA’s weekly links

Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. Indiana University and The Salvation Army’s collaborative “Human Needs Index”   If somehow you haven’t heard,

Happy 8th blogiversary

As usual, comic artist Asher Sarlin best explains the persistence of this blog: And every year I look more and more like the guy on

Man buys domain for $12

In a stroke of luck, Ved had been searching Google Domains, Google’s website-buying service, when he noticed that was available for purchase on September

IPA’s weekly links

Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. NPR had a nice profile of an evaluation of whether teaching girls in Zambia Harvard