
Links I liked

Thomas Abt (one of my favorite policy wonks) on violence reduction in America Condoms that detect STIs have been invented. Disconcerting fact: Inventors were 13

Waves and waves of Mexico City

Some amazing aerial photos of Mexico City. Hat tip to @maxcroser who has one of the more interesting Twitter feeds I discovered this year.

IPA’s weekly links

Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. NPR and Pro-Publica have a new exposé titled “How the Red Cross Raised Half a

Links I liked

“more than one-third of couples who married in the United States from 2005 to 2012 met online.” I tricked Kate Cronin-Furman into writing this: “Is

Conflict, Ebola, and other ABCA talks

The videos are up from last week’s Annual Bank Conference on Africa (ABCA) on violence and fragility. Among them are Ted Miguel on climate change

‘Murica, through weaselly eyes

In general, the French government recommends that its citizens “adopt a reserved manner with persons of the opposite sex” while in the United States. This

IPA’s weekly links

Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. The Wall Street Journal had a very good feature article on how insights from behavioral