
Voter experiments by space aliens

The ethics of experimenting have been much in the news lately. It started with the Montana mailer experiment. It gets weirder. Via Jeff Mosenkis, two mailers received by

Sentences to ponder

Walmart reported brisk traffic overnight. The retailer, based in Bentonville, Ark., said that 22 million shoppers streamed through stores across the country on Thanksgiving Day.

Path dependent, literally

Via Michael Clemens, who adds “this isn’t a motivational meme from somewhere, we drove by this sign today.”  

The curse of low expectations

One of the most provocative and interesting field experiments I’ve seen in this year: Poor people often do not make investments, even when returns are high. One

Links I liked

The “doing development differently” manifesto A working Lego particle accelerator (sort of) To Western eyes, the weirdest flavored foods in the world? In most of

Some job postings of relevance

Continuing the tradition of blogging the development job posting of everyone who is married to me: Become the the project director of a 5-year research project on

Does your university stock grenade launchers?

Number of U.S. universities that have received military equipment from the Defense Department since 1998 : 117 That have received mine-resistant vehicles : 6 Grenade launchers : 2 From the Harper’s

Veteran’s memorial of the day

The five pillars represent the unity of the five branches of the United States military serving steadfast together. They are staggered in size with their

Quote of the day

The U.S. should have 53 states because it’s a prime number and can’t be divided. Then we would truly be one nation, indivisible. Source. D.C.,

Papers I liked

Protest economics: More intense protests in Tahrir Square are associated with lower stock market valuations for firms connected to the group currently in power US

Links I liked

Norway’s oil fund owns 1.3% of every public company in the world Aravindan Thirunavukarasu urinated on a wall and then made a font out it IKEA

Links I liked

The Onion: “After submitting a ballot, an “I Voted” brand is applied to the flesh of the voter’s chest“ To rationalize tonight’s outcome, there is

The science of activism

A new APSR paper by Daniel Carpenter and Colin Moore: Examining an original dataset of more than 8,500 antislavery petitions sent to Congress (1833–1845), we