
Links I liked

PhD math camp, online Arvind Subramanian’s development reading list As usual, I could just copy all David McKenzie’s links on impact evaluations A rare youth training program

Five facts about informal economies

A new paper by Rafael La Porta and Andrei Shleifer: First, it is huge, reaching about half of the total in the poorest countries. Second,

Links I liked

From the always excellent Development Impact blog: 3ie has launched an impact evaluation database, with more than 2,400 impact evaluations. They have a challenge out that if you

Laser-grown teeth

A Harvard-led team just successfully used low-powered lasers to activate stem cells and stimulate the growth of teeth in rats and human dental tissue in

“We kill people based on metadata”

Supporters of the National Security Agency inevitably defend its sweeping collection of phone and Internet records on the ground that it is only collecting so-called

This is my teaching nightmare

Professor Christensen did something “truly disruptive” in 2011, when he found himself in a room with a panoramic view of Boston Harbor. About to begin

I, stand-vangelist

The scales have fallen from Emily Oster’s eyes. She is a standing desk convert. When I am not evangelizing about cash transfer programs, I am pushing

“Highway to Hitler”

Some papers make pithy academic blogging easy. The Autobahn was one of the most important projects of the Hitler government. It was intended to reduce unemployment, and

Links I liked

Fair trade coffee does not improve the wellbeing of the workers How to make land titling more equal Why peacebuilding fails The origins of weak states,

Links I liked

Bill Gates on why he shorted the Millennium Villages but goes long on Jeff Sachs Science on inequality In morocco, microfinance helps people change occupations, not

Links I liked

A new contender for worse NGO in the world? Clickbait dissertations Most of the growth in remittances is fictional? Open Stats: Free online statistics textbooks, both