
Papers I liked

All strike me as important new papers in the political economy of development (and also conflict). Democracy reduces ethnic favoritism in Kenya The nondemocratic hangover

Links I liked

“A recent study has shown that if American parents read one more long-form think piece about parenting they will go fucking ape shit.” LOLthesis: Summing up

Links I liked

Russ Roberts interviews Jeff Sachs, and it gets both interesting and a little scrappy. I found the discussion and comments fascinating. But maybe it’s all

Links I liked

David Roodman reviews Bill Easterly’s new book. Our second born is now sleeping through the night, and my brain is working again, so I hope

Links I liked

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has been located by… Courtney Love 8 interesting maps of the world GiveDirectly responds to the Mulago criticism of cash transfers

Links I liked

Interview with Pranab Bardhan on corruption, development, India, and many other interesting things Google Flu is overrrated The comparative Constitutions project Interview with Teju Cole

Are cash transfers overrated?

Kevin Starr and  Laura Hattendorf of Mulago explain why they think the evidence for cash transfers to the poor is overrated. Basically, it comes down to

Links I liked

The new humanitarian blog from IRC, Acting, Fast and Slow, looks excellent (I may be biased as I’m married to one of the bloggers) Designing experiments to