Papers I liked
All strike me as important new papers in the political economy of development (and also conflict). Democracy reduces ethnic favoritism in Kenya The nondemocratic hangover
All strike me as important new papers in the political economy of development (and also conflict). Democracy reduces ethnic favoritism in Kenya The nondemocratic hangover
Imagine the Empire State Building. Now imagine tipping it on its side, nudging it into the Hudson, and putting out to sea. That was the
Our results revealed that a vegetarian diet is related to a lower BMI and less frequent alcohol consumption. Moreover, our results showed that a vegetarian
“A recent study has shown that if American parents read one more long-form think piece about parenting they will go fucking ape shit.” LOLthesis: Summing up
Russ Roberts interviews Jeff Sachs, and it gets both interesting and a little scrappy. I found the discussion and comments fascinating. But maybe it’s all
Via Kottke and Trey, a drunkenly stumbling baby trashes marionette bar:
A review of one of the new sleep books says it’s “for sleep strivers,” which is, when you step back from it, one of the
The comments on my bleg yesterday were swift and excellent. I haven’t had a chance to read all the articles and links that people sent,
I’m ignorant of many facts, and am completely willing to be persuaded. But here’s my train of thought and source of skepticism: I supported the
David Roodman reviews Bill Easterly’s new book. Our second born is now sleeping through the night, and my brain is working again, so I hope
My nomination for the Ig Nobel prize: Similar to the effect found in men, the first study demonstrates that touching a pair of boxer shorts
I don’t believe that we are witnessing a renewal of the Cold War. The tensions between Russia and the West are based more on misunderstandings, misrepresentations
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has been located by… Courtney Love 8 interesting maps of the world GiveDirectly responds to the Mulago criticism of cash transfers
Artist Saint Hoax transforms world leaders into drag queens:
So says Dan Drezner, scholar of sanctions: Financial sanctions and asset freezes sound good, part of the newfound policymaker faith in “smart sanctions” as a
Interview with Pranab Bardhan on corruption, development, India, and many other interesting things Google Flu is overrrated The comparative Constitutions project Interview with Teju Cole
Kevin Starr and Laura Hattendorf of Mulago explain why they think the evidence for cash transfers to the poor is overrated. Basically, it comes down to
I am very excited to read this new Journal of Economic Literature article by Brandt, Ma and Rawski: China’s long-term economic dynamics pose a formidable challenge
The new humanitarian blog from IRC, Acting, Fast and Slow, looks excellent (I may be biased as I’m married to one of the bloggers) Designing experiments to
In case you ever wondered “Hey Chris, why aren’t you headed for fame and fortune as an actor or motivational speaker?”, I give you my
Lant Pritchett’s fondest 10th birthday wishes to the Poverty Action Lab: The delightfully quirky aspect of the success of the randomista movement is that it was, and